Tag Archives: OPP

July 4, Newmarket: Documenting Male Victims of DV IPV And False Allegations Workshop

Are you a male victim of DV, IPV or a victim of false rape, sexual assault or DV/IPV? Do you know of a male victim?  We want to hear from you! Please share this event and help us prevent DV against men, women and children.  Face-Book event page here.

Male DV Victims FB event - TorontoDV

Where: 707 Srigley St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 1X4 Map here

When: On July 4, 2015, between the hours of 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm we will be documenting male victims of Domestic Violence, Intimate Partner Violence and victims of false accusations thereof. This workshop will enable us to move our Judiciary in a direction that will enable it to treat male victims of DV & IPV with equal force and effect as female victims.

You can tell your story with full anonymity. The purpose of this event is by documenting, demonstrating to the provincial and federal governments that DV is an issue that affects males not just, women and children. Currently, male victims of DV and IPV are mostly ignored and those men who do call police, are mostly laughed at and mocked. We want to change this ill stigma so that we can truly address DV in its entirety.  Domestic Violence hurts everyone.

I have now hosted two consecutive www.TorontoDV.com Symposiums with the finest academics here and here talking about DV and IPV as it affects men, women and children without any funding. We need men and boys to come forward and tell their story of Domestic abuse, be it physical, mental or being falsely accused of rape, sexual assault, DV and IPV.  We need this information to show that males are equal victims of DV as 40 years of DV Science tells us.

The worst thing we can do, is remain silent. In order to help you and your fellow man including your sons, we MUST speak up about male DV, IPV and about false allegations.

Please make a much needed donation at the PayPal donate button to the left, to help fund this important event. You can contact me at,  Attila@TorontoDV.com about the event or to send an E-transfer donation.  Together we can make this happen and stop the abuse of men and boys leading to 8 daily male suicides in Canada compared to 2 women.

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